Steeltiles: The History. . .
Almost 50 years ago a very talented inventor recognized the beauty, durability, and strength of Cor-ten®, aka “Weathering Steel,” which has been used since the 1930’s in bridges, architecture, and art. He envisioned his own home clad with Cor-ten roofing and after creating a sophisticated process to form Steeltiles, his dream finally came true.
After having this roofing installed on countless projects dating back to 1972 (many of which are still in service), he followed other passions, developed other inventions, and left this machinery virtually idle until his passing a few years ago.
Since the inventor’s family knew of his friendship with us, and our interest in continuing the product line since 1997, we were fortunate to acquire the machinery and continue to fulfill the inventor’s dream.

Steeltiles: Today. . .
Summit Pacific Metal Sales combines its decades-long experience in manufacturing and installing metal roofing with Steeltile’s 40+ year performance history. Summit pioneered ultra low-gloss paint finishes and concealed fastener standing seam metal roofing at Lake Tahoe by acquiring the first portable snap-panel rollformer ever made in America in 1991. It manufactured millions of feet of roofing, and installed more than a million feet under its sister company Tahoe Roofing Company.
With decades of metal roofing design and installation experience in the snowiest county in the lower 49 states, Summit has the know-how to make and install metal roofing even in the toughest environments known. Imagine the life expectancy of Sierra Steeltiles in a moderate climate!
While the Steeltile installations from the 1970’s still look great and continue to protect homes–and will for more decades to come–Summit is tapping into its long history of design and fine detailing to add even more value to today’s Steeltile Roofing systems. 40-year old installations have been carefully analyzed and significant improvements to the Steeltile product and to installation details have been made that further increase its beauty and longevity. Our goal is to enable today’s Steeltiles to last a century.